
Shrimp Miso Soup

Shrimp Miso Soup

This is our super simple miso choice for a Japanese Breakfast. You can cook it while waiting for your rice to beep ready or just make it day before and have it in your fridge for one week or so (if you’ll restrain yourself from devouring it… I think it’s inposhibiru インポシブル ^^) . Anyhoo…
It’s more on a sweet and oceany side (from delicate white miso and ton of seaweed), it’s great for people thinking that red or black miso is too salty for them. Oh and of course you can always modify the quantity of your miso, but for me… well I’m a salty old b… black-haired miso lover so I like big amount of it in every soup, no matter the color bc all colors are nyantastic 😺💙🌈